Collaboration is a core value of the Margo Selby Studio.

Partnerships and special projects are a huge source of inspiration to us, opening up new possibilities and pushing the boundaries of our creativity.

Retail + Product

Margo’s expertise in weaving is central to our design process. We work in partnership to thoughtfully design and produce, considered products that celebrate woven textiles.

Museums + Heritage

Specially commissioned product ranges for Tate, the British Museum, Yorkshire Sculpture Park, London Transport Museum and the Royal Opera House.

Interior Textiles

Following the ethos of Art-Into-Industry, Margo Selby applies her expertise in design and weaving into working with large-scale specialist mills to create commercially available textiles.

Social Enterprise

Margo Selby contributes design, product development and business skills to Love Welcomes and Fine Cell Work, two social enterprises that foster creativity, skills building and empowerment.

Contract Textiles

Margo Selby works with specifiers to provide fabrics for contract use and our complex designs have been featured in a growing number of international commercial projects.
