Hand Knotted Rugs

Hand Knotted Rugs

Woven in the highest quality wool, or wool and silk, Margo Selby hand-knotted rugs are both functional and decorative.

They are collector's pieces produced by highly skilled artisan makers.



Product Type


Rug Craftsmanship

luxury rug, geometric rug, modern rug, wool rug, designer rugs, colourful rug, pink rug
Formentera Rug

£2,500 – £11,350

Cairo Rug
Cairo Rug

£40 – £5,410

colourful rug, luxury rug, geometric rug, modern rug, wool rug, red rug
Assembly Rug

£40 – £4,200

Peggy Rug
Peggy Rug


Jakob Rug
Jakob Rug


Clarens Rug
Clarens Rug

